Registration Day 2024-25
Welcome all incoming and returning students! We are so excited to meet you all on our upcoming registration day. The information below is for the date and time of our registration day, order form for PE purchases, and 6th grade Orientation day. For Registration, the day will be split up based on grade and last name. If you have students that are in different grades, you may come at either set time. We have also added forms from the Health Office if your student requires a vaccination to enter 7th grade or requires medication on campus. A reminder that Registration day is not Enrollment. You may view the enrollment steps here. Please feel free to call us with any further questions at 714-842-6608.
¡Bienvenidos todos los estudiantes que ingresan y regresan! Estamos muy emocionados de conocerlos a todos en nuestro próximo día de registro. La información a continuación es para la fecha y hora de nuestro día de registro, compras de educación física y orientación de sexto grado. Para el registro, el día se dividirá según el grado y el apellido. Si tiene estudiantes que están en diferentes grados, puede venir en cualquier horario establecido. También hemos agregado formularios de la Oficina de Salud si su estudiante requiere una vacuna para ingresar al 7.º grado o requiere medicamentos en el campus. Un recordatorio que el dia de registro no es para inscripcione. Puede ver los pasos de inscripción aquí. Siéntase libre de llamarnos con más preguntas al 714-842-6608.
- Registration Schedule
- 8th Grade 8:00 am - 9:30 am
- 7th Grade 9:30 am - 11:30 am
- 6th Grade 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm
- Print and bring the signed Data Confirmation from the Aeries Parent Portal (required)
- PE Clothes Order Form - To purchase PE Shirts & Shorts, and PE locks.
- CASH only
- Forms will be available on the day of Registration
- Tdap/Vaccination Form - English - Spanish - Vietnamese
- Medication in Health Office Form - English - Spanish - Vietnamese
- Contract for Self Administration of Medicine
- Food & Nutrition Services
- Transportation
The Ocean View School District Transportation Department will provide transportation services for the following:
Special Education
Oak View community to Vista View Middle School
Spring View 2023-24 boundary attendance area impacted by school consolidation (bus service for 2024-25 school year.
Bus routes will be determined by our ability to secure drivers. There is currently a national shortage of bus drivers, but OVSD is exploring a number of options in order to fill positions needed.
- Child Care Services
Other Dates/Information:
- Chromebooks will be signed out and distributed in class. More information to come!
- 6th Grade Orientation - Wednesday, August 21th, 9:00 - 11:30 am
- Picture Day - Friday, August 30th. Student pictures will be taken for IDs and the yearbook during class time. Please keep in mind that dress code applies.